Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Happy New Year!!!

Not only are we starting a new year, we are starting a new decade.  Not sure what it means for sone of you. For me, it's 366 days to write my life one day at a time.

It's a year for new starts, new positions, new friends, new challenges, prosperity, and giving back. My books will each be donating to charities or organizations. I am excited to be giving back on a small scale.

Some of my charities include, but are not limited to:
       Kentucky Victims of Violent Crime
       Faubush Fire Department
       Tanner's Totes
       Bethany House
       Center for Anti-Bullying and Non-Violence
       God's Food Pantry
       Holt-Mason-Dansville Gymnastics
       A scholarship for those pursuing a career in writing or journalism
       The Safe Center LI
I will add more in the future if the books I write lend themselves to a charity.

I have a thousand things to accomplish in 2020. Starting with the hiring of an illustrator for my children's book. I have narrowed my search to two. Waiting for a sample to decide.

Growing the Central Kentucky Igniting Souls Chapter. I believe we are a group of two at the moment.

Finishing my first book for 2021. Yes, fans it is Something Borrowed, Something Blue the 4th Macy installment.

I am working on my writing book, Let's Write Fiction for AAE (Author Academy Elite) for release in fall 2020.  A short story collection for release in 2020, the second edition of my poetry book, and a Christmas story all for 2020. The books are written for the most part. It is getting them covers and interior design. The only one not written is the writing book, which has three chapters done.

I have other books for 2021 which have been started and  I will be working on those throughout the year.

I will be going to Knitwits Thursday mornings, Pulaski Writers Alliance the second and fourth Fridays of each month. As well as monthly meetings with my Mastermind Group.

I will be collaborating with a Public Relations person on two programs which will be embedded in programs I'm offering.

Looking forward to introducing 4 products or services every quarter of 2020. Looking forward to all these new ventures.  Looking forward to teaching again and serving others.

Have you found your purpose? Are you finding ways to give back? Are you where you want to be? Have you found your happy place?

Best Wishes for a Wonderful New Year!!!


Sunday, December 15, 2019

Changes Are Good

I've been writing for 55 years. Which is well over most of my life. Some of it will never be print-worthy. Some of it has been published. In my lifetime I have self-published, been with a vanity press, had a small press who went out of business, owned my own publishing company, and been with a mid-size press. The time has come to change publishers. I have found one who can give me more exposure and teach me how to create 18 streams of income from one book. I am a firm believer in change when it moves you forward.

I have five books coming out in 2020. I've been interviewing illustrators for about three days. I have one getting a sample ready. One, I have seen samples. So we will see. Nothing will be done before the holidays on the first book. The only thing I can tell you at this point is it is an alphabet book.

From now on,  most of my books will have charities attached to them. $1.00 on the sale of the books will go to a charity. As they come out, the charity will be announced. You will be able to find the list of charities when my website is up. I will be adding books and charities as time goes on. This is just a start.

I have taken on some new roles for 2020 and am excited to get started.

These are all a result of me joining Author Academy elite in July. Igniting Souls was the conference I went to in October resulting in my new branding. It will result in several opportunities for me. Including but not limited to book publishing. My books will now carry the AAE logo. I am excited about these new opportunities and excited to see what 2020 will bring.

Here's hoping 2020 has excitement and good things coming your way.

Sunday, December 8, 2019

It's Holiday Seasong and What am I Doing?

If you guessed, I am working pat yourself on the back. That's exactly what I am doing. I'm also putting the finishing icicles on my tree. There are over 600. I have presents to start wrapping so I can figure out who still needs gifts and what I need to buy.  I want to go back to the days when I was done by October and all I had to do was wrap.

As to work, well I am adding things to go on my website. Look for it in January. I am working on books to get them ready for 2020. There's some editing to do yet. I'm also working on the books for 2021. No rest for this writer.

I've come up with a list of charities and other organizations who will be getting money from the sales of my books.  I put them under the year they will start getting money. Each year I will add to it. The topic of the book will determine where the money goes for the most part.

I am putting together my digital press kits for my books. I am putting together digital press kits for my writing programs. So I am keeping busy.

Not my favorite photo, but it works. Shows me doing something on my computer. I believe it was trying to keep the photographer's two year old from pushing random buttons.

I hope you are taking time for yourself during this busy season so you don't get over whelmed or burned out. 

Happy Holidays,

Friday, December 6, 2019

The Writer Whisperer

The Writer Whisperer is the name a person who is helping me develop a brand came up with. Because I like water colors I chose aqua as the color for my logo.

 I attended the Igniting Souls Conference the end of October. During a mastermind session it was determined purple is my power color. As a result my logo was changed.

I also learned part of my branding should portray me as a sage grandmother in a red hat. The theory is who wouldn't trust a grandmother. So, following are some shots I hope to use as branding.
Traditional grandmother with her pot of tea.

Grandma can rock the baseball cap, too.
Interacting with a two year old.
Done for the day.

After  the two year old left.

One last shot.
So, have I got the branding right? I think I will need some new ones come spring.  Do you have a favorite?


Saturday, November 9, 2019

Day 21

For those of you keeping track, this should be day 23. As you can see from the picture the past two days have not gone as planned. I am not feeling well. It is not a cold or the flu, it is intestinal. I am hoping to be recovered by tomorrow.

I was able to teach my mini workshop on Friday at Pulaski Writers Alliance. I believe it was a success. They weren't trying to get rid of me.

I came home and crawled into my jammies for the rest of the night. Pretty sad if you consider I was home by 3:40pm.

But I did get afternoon pages written today. Before I gave up.

Hope you are  well and warm.


Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Good evening: Day 20

Thought I'd get this in before the snow falls. We might have flurries on Thursday.

Morning pages are done. The day was again organized. Things have actually happened according to plan today. Always a good thing.

As soon as I finish this I will be putting together sentence starters for my writing group lesson. I hope they plan to write.

If you have not been following along, morning pages are written for the first half hour of your day. I generally eat breakfast before writing mine. It helps to give my day focus, write out anything causing me worry or anguish. I even include my frustrations. If you haven't tried it, give it a go for a week. You don't have to be a writer to do them. They are for you and no one else.


Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Good Afternoon: Day 19

This sums up how I feel today. It's been a busy morning, Did made breakfast, did dishes, got dressed, went to the post office, voted, picked up my mail, swept the front sidewalk, chatted with the neighbor boy. School is closed today for the election. Polls here close at 6pm. 

Hoping the rest of my day will as productive as the morning. So, this will be short. I am heading to put my guest room back in order, sweep the floor and add some totes with yarn in them to the closet. I need the totes out of my living room as it will be the last room I find any order. Boxes are still slowly finding their way to the recycler.

Hope if nothing else you are doing the morning pages. Let them put order to your day.


Monday, November 4, 2019

Good Afternoon: Day 18

I am armed with my cup of tea. My Morning Pages were the first thing I did today. It felt good to plan my week.

Tomorrow the first order of the day is voting. Then to the post office. Finally back home to put some order to the house. If the weather holds out I will be spraying the foundation and around my doors and windows with peppermint. So far it has worked in the house at keeping the mice at bay.

The bulk of my week will be spent writing. I have two books to finish. I have one to start and several others to work on for 2020.

Hope you are doing morning pages and getting your goals accomplished.


Sunday, November 3, 2019

Sunday: Day 17

Not the best photo but the best I could find. This is the First Presbyterian Church in Somerset, KY. This is where I spend most Sunday mornings. Today was no exception. It is a small congregation. We started off with the handbell choir this morning. It was also communion Sunday.

So, my morning pages became afternoon pages today, but they were written. After I put my chicken breasts in the crockpot to cook. I will be making chicken salad for several meals.

I have a conference call coming up with my publisher. I'm hoping some good things come out of it.

I have contacted a photographer about new photos giving me branding photographs for my website. I am hoping we can do it soon. Although I have no red shoes. Ugh. I have everything else.

I will try to blog daily this week, however I am finishing two books. So, it could be very late when I blog.


Saturday, November 2, 2019

Blustery Saturday: Day 16

Books are the most exciting things ever written. A book can carry you into the past, into the future, explore science, or archeology. They can deal with everyday life. Whatever they do, they provide hours of entertainment to millions of people.

I find it sad that 82% of the people who read want to write, yet 99% of you never will. Writing is a gift from God. If you do not write, you are letting him down. You are letting yourself down. You don't have to write fiction. Write your story, the one in your heart. You never know when  your words will help someone else.

Writing is also magic. Fairy tales, fantasy, legends show the magic of the world. Do you believe in fairies, elves, sprites, piskies, unicorns, dragons, heroes? All these are a part of the magic.

Some of you may or may not understand I am passionate about writing and the written word. I have been an avid reader all my life. I read for knowledge and enjoyment. I often am reading two or three books at a time. Likewise, I am always working on two or three books or stories at the same time.

So, yes, I did morning pages. Yes, I will make an artist date this week and yes, I will teach a mini workshop on Friday.

What is keeping you from writing? Follow this link https://vt226.isrefer.com/go/aae50/Rebecka/ Even if you cannot watch it at the scheduled time, sign up. You will get a replay. 


Friday, November 1, 2019

Days 14 & 15

While I have done Morning Pages the past two days, I did not post a blog. Yesterday I ran errand which included some much needed groceries.

Mind is still swirling about taking the next steps toward making my dream a reality. I am working on my last two books. I am hoping they will be done by next week. Ready for edits. I am also preparing to teach a mini workshop to one of the writers' groups I belong to.

I hope you are finding your way to your dreams. Don't give up. It's not, too late. Dreams are what keep up alive. When they start taking a shape, the are awesome.

If you did not sign up for the webinar on writing a book because of the time, please register anyway. They will send you a replay of the webinar. The link is: https://vt226.isrefer.com/go/aae50/Rebecka/
It helps me get credit for people attending. I'd appreciate it.


Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Whacky Wednesday

I awoke to rain this morning. Found it a bit amusing. I moved into this house on October 31, 2018. It was raining. We are scheduled for rain and dropping temps tomorrow.  I pondered this as I wrote my morning pages.

Then I did the mundane and paid my bills. Housework the usual humdrum of living. Started laundry since I have been gone for a few days.

My mind is still rehashing the conference. I think it will take the rest of the week to all sink in. It was amazing. The amount of information is what I need to wrap my head around. I know I'm taking the next best steps for the career I've chosen. 

If you think you are too old to start a career, let me tell you first hand, you are NOT. You can live your dream if you take the steps to do it. I'm taking my steps are you?


Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Happy Tuesday!!!!!

Morning pages are done!!! It was a good way for me to look at what my Next Best Step will be. I know I am on the right path.
There it is, my path. Have you found yours? Finding a path is not always easy and there are obstacles along the way. While mine looks clear I could have obstacles. How I choose to react to the obstacles will be how I stay on the path or get off the path.

I have a question to pose today. Do you want to write a book? Because research shows 82% of all people want to write a book. Research also shows, 99% of you won't. To me, that is sad. There are so many of you who could write a book and yet you don't. You cannot keep waiting for inspiration--YOU are the inspiration. You cannot wait for the right time--the time is NOW! So, what's stopping you?

I have an offer for you. It will cost nothing but your time. https://vt226.isrefer.com/go/aae50/Rebecka/
Click the link and learn the path to writing the book you've always wanted to write. Learn how to get started on your path. The journey starts with clicking the link. Are you BRAVE enough? 


Monday, October 28, 2019

The Big Take Away

What I can for certain tell you about attending a conference is Morning Pages go by the way side. What I can tell  you about this specific conference, is it delivers over and over for four days. 

If I had not been on fire when I arrived, I was not there an hour before the fire was lit. It was non-stop information, it was meeting new people and making new friends. It was round-table masterminds, it was the success of people who never dreamed of success. It was gaining inspiration. It was awesome.

I cannot even begin to tell you all the wonderful things that happened. It's something you have to experience. I did get confirmation I am headed in the right direction. Always a plus. Had the best table mates at the conference and know we will be keeping in touch. Looking forward to seeing them next year.

So, I will be back to morning pages in the morning. For now it's just nice to be home.


Friday, October 25, 2019

Morning Pages Days 9 & 10

This is exactly what I am doing. Morning pages for both days have been written.

It was a 5 hour drive with no issues. The Conference!!! I have posted photos all day. David Banderhorst was our speaker from 8 am to 1pm. He spoke about building your offer. He took us through three steps and the fourth was presentation. He gave us stretch time and a 15 minute break. We broke for lunch around 11 and were back at it by 12:15. 

Lunch was unappealing, but I made a valiant effort to find something. Then had some downtime and hit the mall for something I'd forgotten and a sweater as the ballroom is cold.  I purchased the two books I wanted. One is autographed. Need to catch up with the other author. 

Awards were amazing. The winners' stories were compelling. My new friend Sandra won for YA. So, I bought a copy of her book and got it autographed.

Headed back with Mackezie to our hotel and we are just chilling.


Wednesday, October 23, 2019

The Eve of the Trip Day 10

My morning pages were actually done early this morning. I just haven't made it to the blog. I am excited about the upcoming weekend.

Spent my afternoon running a million errands. Bank so I have cash for traveling. Pharmacy for the one med I need daily. Walmart for 24 bottles of water and healthy snacks as well as snack bags. Went to get gas a Speedway and they were out. Could not get into northend Kroger to get gas, so drove to southend Kroger, picked up some things I forgot and got 10cents off per gallon. So the car is gassed up.

The only thing left to do is pack and load the car. Which I will probably do about 11pm. Water is already in the car. Packing will be a breeze. I already have an idea of what needs to be packed. What I haven't decided is what I will be wearing tomorrow. The good news is we were thinking ahead and booked the room for Sunday night so neither one of us was driving home late at night. I can get a good night's sleep and drive home alert on Monday. Also, no weekend traffic and hopefully no rain.

Hope all is well with everyone. Those who chose to do Morning Pages, I hope you are being successful.


PS. You may or may not get a blog while I am away.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Morning Pages Day 9

That one word pretty much sums up my morning. I had a meeting with Stephanie Nelson of Nelson Legacy Enterprises. We spent the better part of two hours putting together a customer journey for my products and services. I can see the vision. Once we have it totally complete,  It will go to someone who will make the actual funnel and lead magnets. I am so excited to see this happening. I will launch four products or services a quarter. My website will be up by December 5th and will connect to my books on Amazon. I am beyond excited.

I also learned that my author friend Mackenzie Flohr and I were thinking ahead when we booked our room for the conference. We are booked for check out on Monday the 28th. Yeah!!!  I don't have to drive in the rain and the dark on Sunday night. Little things...I get excited.

Still working on the must dos before I can leave. Minor details in at this point.

My morning pages are done. This morning's meeting has had my brain working overtime on creating new products and services.

Hope your day has been productive.


Monday, October 21, 2019

Good Evening: Day 8

Won't be able to see the moon tonight as it's raining. Not a gentle rain, but a downpour. It will be a good night for sleeping. 

Again, today did not go as planned. I awoke early because I had people coming to fix my book shelves. Got a text they couldn't make it until Wednesday. I have plans for Wednesday so it will have to wait. 

Spent my day doing laundry, emptying four kitchen drawers, cleaning them and  spraying them with peppermint oil. I have 9 done and three to go. Then I will line them and refill them. 

Stripped both beds to wash the linens. One will get made tonight. Since I am not expecting any overnight company, I will make the other when I return from the conference.

Not looking forward to driving 5 and a half hours home in the rain on Sunday. But at least I know what to expect. I suspect I will be home around midnight. Which means please don't wake me on Monday.

I am not sure how Morning Pages will work at the conference. I am not an early riser and I have to be at breakfast by 7:30am. each morning. I'm hoping I will find a break time where I can write. If not, I suspect they will be evening pages. I see some time in the Friday schedule. I don't see any in Saturday or Sunday. 

I still have much to do, before I can say I'm ready to leave. Getting ready to go away seems to take weeks to get ready. I have my notebooks to keep notes in. I'm taking two. I am limiting myself to three books from the bookstore or book signing. 

Hope you've had a successful day.


Sunday, October 20, 2019

It's a Dreary Sunday: Day 7

Morning pages were done with distractions today. Not a good omen. Especially since I woke up tired to rain. According to the news last night the rain had moved out. Funny rained all night and part of this morning. 

While I have some of the books off the shelves, I still have more to go. They will be done by bed time. Tomorrow is laundry day and I will be doing dishes. In the afternoon I'm planning a trip to Somerset.

The only thing I can say about today is that is did not go as planned. I overslept so on church this morning. Makes my day off. Ugh.

I have enough to do to keep me busy today. One thing I should do is wander out and get the mail. I didn't do that yesterday. If the front porch is dry enough I will get some more kitchen drawers sprayed with peppermint. I'll get the ones done lined with new paper. 

I also have two stories to finish. Maybe I'll put them on the top of my to do list today. 

Happy writing!!!


Saturday, October 19, 2019

Good Evening Day 6

While this is not my view I thought I'd share it just for the beauty. My morning pages were done this morning, but I have been taking care of household business and am just now posting.

My furniture has been moved. Four of my kitchen drawers have been cleaned and now smell like peppermint. Tomorrow after church I will get the rest of them. They will also get new lining. 

I am feeling much better than yesterday. Which is a huge improvement. No blood sugar issues or leg cramps in the night. 

I did however have to break down and turn the heat on. I will not sit in my home in jeans and a sweatshirt and freeze. I love the new furnace. It is quiet. 

Hopefully you are doing morning pages and they are helping. Someday you may find a story hidden in them. Writing can be cathartic. Write what bothers you. Get it out of your system and move on. You don't need to go back and read it again. It's done. 

Happy writing.


Friday, October 18, 2019

Good Morning Day 5

I have my  cup of tea and am ready to start my day.  My Morning Pages are written and I feel my day has direction.

I have several mundane projects for today. You know laundry, dishes, rearranging some furniture and taking books off my bookshelves.

Why would I take books off the bookshelves? They need to be repaired and that will be done on Monday,  I need to get the books off them. Then I will finish the two Christmas presents and work on the last two books for this year and get them ready to submit.

I had planned an Artist Date for today to do some research for a flash fiction piece I'm writing for a contest for Kentucky Monthly Magazine. However, I had a rough night between leg cramps and severely low blood sugars. My day has started later than normal and I feel as though I've been run over by a truck...a big truck.

Don't let anyone tell you diabetes is fun. Those numbers determine whether or not you live or die. Anything below 75 puts you in the danger zone. Mine was at 42. So I started eating sugar tablets I always have on hand. It took close to half a bottle (there are 50 in the bottle) and about 35 minutes to get it to 75 when I felt it was safe to go to bed. Besides my leg cramps had subsided. An hour later I was up with leg cramps in the other leg and they were worse. And my sugars were dropping again. Took four more tablets, walked off the cramps, crawled into bed thinking I would read, light by the bed was on and I fell asleep. I slept for 7 hours. When I awoke, my sugars were through the roof high. This kind of stuff plays havoc with your system. I'm thankful it doesn't happen often. While I am not tired, my body says, you are resting today. I do not look sick. I do not have symptoms you can see. It is one of those hidden diseases. It is debilitating at times. It is manageable most of the time. It was not low when I took my nighttime insulin. I should not have had an issue with it. I have not had an episode of low blood sugar like that since I don't know when. I just keep the sugar tabs on hand. 

So, today I will muddle through and see how much I can get done before I just give up. 


Thursday, October 17, 2019

Look Guys, Day 4

Morning pages are supposed to help you with time. You are allowing extra morning time to do them. If you are anything like me, you are not a morning person. So, morning pages are making me get up a bit earlier so I can do them.

Today they were Early Afternoon pages. Don't get me wrong, I was up and out of bed by 8:39am.  I had put everything I needed to take with me to Knitwits last night. I was determined not to forget a thing.  

At the church I dropped off empty medicine bottles for Doctors Without Borders. Then I went up to the library. Talked to the church secretary and her daughter Carolyn (age 2). I left some books I'd had for Bible study when I lived in SC. Good addition to the church library. 

Evelyn showed up first, then Helon. Both were worried about Sherry. Carolyn was off on a trip with her family. That's pretty much the crew. No one mentioned Lina. 

After Knitwits, I stopped a Kroger for some much needed additions to my pantry. All in all a good day.

I wrote my morning pages when I got home. So, even though I'm gettin up earlier, I sometimes don't get my pages written until afternoon. It doesn't mean I'm not productive. It just means life gets in the way. 

Happy writing!!!


Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Good Morning

My morning pages were done on time today. The sun is shining and my neighbor is working on his new house. All seems right with the world.

So, today I awake to a telemarketer. I really hate telemarketers. As I am making breakfast I get another call from a telemarketer. I no longer answer numbers I don't know. If you are not in my phone, you will have to leave a message. No sooner do I get my hands in water to wash something I left soaking last night and the phone rings. Oh wait, it has a ringtone I recognize as someone I know.

I quickly dry my hands and answer it. It is a friend who is trying to get a business going, She and I met while taking a coaching class two years ago. She has had more trouble trying to get her website and course on line than I have. She's had some modest success with her books. And we still bounce ideas off each other.  I hung up and started breakfast again. You guessed it. Phone rang. A local number but not a name I recognized. They left a message. I will return the call later.

Finally breakfast done and on to morning pages. The news was on TV, I won't do that again, it is too distracting, but I got two pages written.

Tomorrow I will get up early to do them. I want to go to Knitwits and Lowes afterward. So, Morning Pages need to be done.

Autumn has finally arrived in Kentucky. It is 68 in the house. Will only get to 59 outside. Curtains are open and sun is shining. I am dressed in jeans and a sweatshirt. I'm not turning on heat before October 26th. That will be the day I closed on this house.  I needed heat then.

Since I will be in Columbus, Ohio on Oct, 26th, the heat won't be on before October 28th, When I roll in on October 27th it will be close to midnight and all I will want is to crawl into bed.

Hope your Morning Pages are going well. Drop me a comment if you have questions.


Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Day 2: When Morning Pages become Afternoon Pages.

I know the idea is to write every morning. Today however I only allowed time to shower and dress before leaving for  a fasting blood draw. The blood draw ending up being a full-blown doctor appointment. Not at all what I was expecting.
My afternoon consisted of getting home, finding breakfast, calling in a prescription, and then going to pick up three prescriptions.  I grabbed $5 salad bar at Ruby Tuesday for lunch, some metatarsal pads to put in my moccasins. If they work, I'll buy some for my other shoes. I also picked up some yarn to make unicorn horns. Don't ask it's a Christmas gift. 

I did sit this afternoon when I got home and set the timer for 30 minutes. I have two full pages written. Mostly a summary of my day...you got the short version. 

So, if you agree to write Morning Pages, do so with the understanding life gets in the ways and it's okay to make them Afternoon or Evening Pages. 


Monday, October 14, 2019

Day 1: Morning Pages

This morning I set my timer for 15 minutes. I wrote long hand in a brand new journal. One I had here. I got 1 1/4 pages written by the time the timer went off. I believe for tomorrow I will write for half an hour.

I wrote whatever random thoughts entered my mind. When the timer went off I finished the sentence I was writing. I wanted to keep writing. I wanted more.

I hope you took the time to write this morning. Get in touch with your deeper thoughts.

Today I have not walked. I did however rescue a box from under the bed in my spare room. It is a box which should have been put in my office. It contained among other things some writing books and resource books. It came out of my office in my house in South Carolina. I have most of it emptied. I will finish it before I go to bed tonight.

Tomorrow my task is to go through the files in my file cabinet in the office and discard anything not needed. I want my office in working order.  I am trying to get my entire house in order. The boxes are driving me nuts.

Hope you found some satisfaction in Morning pages. Adjust the time frequency to best fit your needs. I will require 30 minutes. You may remain at 15.


Sunday, October 13, 2019

The Journey Begins Tomorrow

I am reading The Sound of Paper, by Julia Cameron. It has to do with writing. No surprise there. Tomorrow I am incorporating Morning Pages. They are three pages of long hand written in the morning about anything and everything. Morning Pages are done to prioritize our day. They put us in the moment, fully. Sometimes we are not all in the moment even when we are there.

Think of them as meditation for hyperactive Westerners. They amplify the still small voice we have and often ignore. We become more often in the right place at the right time. They bring us guidance, resilience and make us farseeing.

The second thing she suggests are Artist Dates. (Take you journal). Once a week plan a solo event. You are going to explore where you live. Go to the library and research points of interest in your community. Then plan one event a week to explore.

Think mystery rather than mastery. Pleasure not duty. Pick something which appeals to your inner explorer. Artist Dates are not frivolous, they are inner exploration and self discovery. Expect to feel some resistance at first. Take one a week.

Living in an area rich in American history, I am going to enjoy this. Maybe the National Cemetery should be first.

Finally, take WALKS. It links your mind to your body. Twenty minutes a day is enough. An extra hour a week is recommended, but go for the 20 minutes...10 out, 10 back. Walking nudges our habitual thinking and builds bridge to higher consciousness. It allows us to come up with solutions rather than thinking of problems.

If you're with me, leave a comment. I will up date you daily.

Saturday, October 12, 2019


Fall has arrived. It went from a high of 82 on Friday to 39 and rain most of the night. It was 44 when I rolled out of bed this morning. High today was 62. I stayed inside.

Friday was the Pulaski Writers Alliance meeting. I read to the group the first chapter of Out of the Flames.  Was asked to teach a writing workshop on Nov. 8th for the group and sold 3 books. Banner day.

Tomorrow I'm getting up to go to church. I'm actually looking forward to it. I've been a bit neglectful this summer.

I'm also working on a piece with a flashback in it for the Writers Ink meeting on October 28th.

Igniting the Souls Conference is right around the corner. I am really looking forward to meeting some of the people I've met on line or in coaching calls.

I'm looking at coaching  NaNoWriMo again in November. $100 gets you 30 days of coaching and cajoling through t kamikaze writing experience. Where everyone is trying to write 50,000 words in 30 days. I too, will be working on something, Probably a novel for 2020.
I was productive today and did empty a box. I found a box with photos and photo frames in it. Now if only I knew where I would put the photos once they are in the frames. I need a wall. Maybe the peak above my reading alcove. They are the graduation photos for my nieces, nephews, and grandchildren.  They need a place of honor.

So, before I ramble on too much, I'll end here.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019


It has been a while since this blog has seen any posts. I'm back. I'll bring you up to date. 
On July 2, 2018 this wonderful man, my Dad gained  his wings. It has been an adjustment not having him here. I miss him terribly,

In October, 2018, I found my forever home in the foothills of the Cumberland Mountains in Kentucky. I am the next to the last house in the holler. My neighbors are great!!!

This photo was taken the day we pulled the shrubs out in front of the house. They too have been moved.

For my birthday in February, by granddaughter, Megan with the help of her aunt made me a sign I hope to have up soon.

This is truly my Sanctuary.

March 22, 2019 I became a great grandmother. This beautiful little girl gets to call me Granny.

This is Camille

April saw me at two book signings. The first at the Pulaski County Library where they hosted 16 local authors. The second at the Taylor County Library in Perry, Florida. 

My first novel, Secrets, which is in its second edition was nominated for an Author Academy Award. While it did not make the top 10, it was an honor to be nominated.

As a result I was offered the opportunity to join Author Academy Elite. I did. It is an 18 month program to help me improve my writing and make me a better writing coach. I have submitted my book proposal and it has been accepted. I am looking forward to seeing it come out in 2020 along with a writing course.

I have started a Kickstarter fundraiser to help with the cost of tuition, get audio books for Secrets, gain media attention for the relaunch of Secrets, including a local party and global live stream of the party. The link is: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/394576664/everyone-has-a-dream
For each copy of Secrets I sell, $1 will be donated to Kentucky Victims of Violent Crimes. 

I am in the process of becoming a writing coach.

Behind the scenes I am getting a new website which will allow you to purchase my books from me. I am launching a Freelance Writing Program, and coaching programs. Watch for this to come soon.

I'm also growing in the community, I have joined a church. I try to spend my Thursday mornings with the Knitwits, a group of ladies who meet in the church library to knit, crochet, and do needlework. I have joined Writers Ink who meet the 4th Monday of each month at the library in London, KY an hour away. I have also joined the Pulaski Writers Alliance who meet the 2nd and 4th Fridays each month at the Pulaski County Library.

I have submitted three of my five books for 2020 to my publisher. The last two should be done and submitted by the end of the month. I am already working on two novels for 2021. The goal is to write 5 books a year for the next five years.

Now you are up-to-date on all my activities. Hope you are continuing on your journeys.


October Already

 I'm not sure where the time has flown. June was an exiting month. July was a mess. I had a change of medication which caused me to gain...