Wednesday, October 14, 2020

You Know You're Old When....

You wake up one morning and cannot lift the mug you made tea in. It happened in early September. Foolish me, thought I might have slept on it wrong. The pain seemed to be below my  right elbow. Took me three weeks to go see the doctor. Nothing seemed to help. X-ray showed I have the beginning of arthritis in my elbow. I have a good gel I can use for a couple more days, then I have to be off it. I causes renal failure. I already have kidney issues. 

Then I go for my yearly eye exam. My eye doctor decides he needs a different eye test. My eyes have retinopathy. But, it's not bleeding. So, I get a referral to a retinologist.  This doctor has a photo taken of my eye. I've been having these photos taken for years. My eye doctor in Gaylord, MI used to show them to me and we compared them with the previous year looking for changes. Since I left Michigan, those photos have been locked up like state secrets. I do have the start of retinopathy. It is something we will monitor from year to year. I also have the start of cataracts. Hmmm, those started three years ago. I am aware of them. My request when the time comes it that they don't take my near vision. 

So, I figure I am officially "old." Is it going to slow me down. Maybe for a minute. You'll have to see if you can keep up. As soon as I locate my weights I will be strengthening the muscles in my arms. I am teaching myself to do some simple things left handed. I might get there. Then figured by the time my right elbow stops working my left one will have arthritis. It is what it is.

Here's to moving on.



Sunday, June 7, 2020


My laptop has been at full capacity for the past two weeks. It's nice to be consistently writing again. It's been hit or miss for too long.

My poetry book is ready submit for it's second edition. My short story collection is looking for a title. The alphabet book is with the publisher. Something Borrowed, Something Blue is with three editors. I am 12, 198 words into Let's Write Fiction. That translates into 48 pages. I'm in the middle of chapter nine.  The Christmas book is written and needs a few illustrations in black and white.

It looks like from Sept through March I will have at least six books releasing. I'm going to keep my publisher busy. I am working on three other books for 2021. I have a Christmas book for adults in the works, a novel titled Chaos, and a middle grade book titled The Standard Bearer. All have good starts. I have not looked at the list of books for 2022 as I can't think that far ahead.

I know I am introducing the Duchess of Somerset in 2022 as well as a middle grades sci-fi book featuring Duddley Wisebottom and Wilber Braintree, there will be a children's Christmas book, age level undecided. A possible spin-off from Sanctuary, possibly relooking at Who's Watching Willow? Just to keep you all guessing. I am working on 365 Days of Writing Prompts. 2020 has given us more than enough ideas.

Once the writing book is done, I want to do something with my badly neglected house. The dust bunnies are taking over. Which is never a good thing. I have two beautiful bookcases to put together, two mouse holes to get plugged. A bookcase to move into my hallway and I need to order a book case to go in my office. There are at least a dozen other projects I need to get done. Emptying all the drawers in my kitchen, cleaning them and spraying them with peppermint oil. Then refilling them. I have some sanding to do on the drawers in my bathroom vanity. They need a good sanding and a fresh coat of stain, some new updated knobs and it will look like new. Will be sanding the frames, too.

I have a beautiful sign that needs polyurethane on it so it can hang at the end of my drive way. Need to dig a hole for the post. Will put some cement in it to make sure it stays.  There is gardening to be done. A koi pond to get cleaned out so it can be redone. Some deck boards to be replaced so I can put Trex on them. Finally, the swimming pool needs a new liner and pump. I have a couple of pot holes in the driveway that can use some of the rocks that have been scattered around over the years and no one has raked them back into the driveway.  Just some maintenance things. I have a huge  wisteria bus to get cut down so it will not kill the trees it is climbing up.  I need to purchase a new garage door opener and have it installed. The current one is dead. Then, I can completely clean out the garage and know I can put the door down and not worry if it is coming up again.

When I finish all this, I'm going to sit on the front porch and watch the sun go down. Or the back deck and watch the sun come up. For now, I'm happy with what is done and I'm heading to bed.


Saturday, May 9, 2020

It's Been a Rollercoaster

First: This is finished!!! I can coach this.
All course work is completed. I will be adding this to my coaching programs.

The friend who is putting together my website has her computer back. So we should be making progress. All of my current coaching programs are ready to go. 

Then this happened.
This is my MSU graduate. Megan has majors in neuroscience and psychology. She is on to graduate school. So very proud of her.

I have been busy getting programs ready and working on books. My alphabet book is with the publisher. I have to work on the copyright and look to see it in October. My current schedule for books is September, October November, December, January, February and March. Beyond that is unknown.  I am writing and recording as quickly as I can. As they will be available in hardcover, paperback, ebook, audiobook, & Mp4 download. I am also recording my Freelance writing course which I hope to have out soon. I have nine downloadable PDFs for writers. 

I am working my way through The Deeper Path coaching program. The result is going to be another book. This one will be non-fiction.  I don't see it before the end of 2021 or early 2022. I have to fit it into my current book schedule. 

I am truly fed up with the social distancing and isolation. I am keeping busy, but some days I don't feel productive. I miss people. I miss family. I could careless about material wants. There is nothing I need outside my home that cannot wait until a later time. 

Missing people, missing family but I have faith this too shall pass. I am keeping busy and have many projects in store. Most are things I can do myself without having to hire it done. This will keep me busy. 

I had a successful telesummit on May 6th. Seven womenprenuers got together to show how their businesses help support other women. It was titled I am My Sisters' Keeper and you can find it on my Facebook timeline. I am the fourth speaker, but all had good things to add. 

Otherwise, I just keep plugging away at writing. Hope you are all well, social distancing, and being safe.


Friday, April 3, 2020

Conference, Disappointment, Excitement

All this in the past week. I don't know what to think.

    First, Kary Oberbrunner launched an online conference for his tribe Igniting Souls and their guests. You could have had the FREE general admission version or upgraded to the VIP version. I did the VIP. I got my money's worth on the first session with Carrie Wilkerson. The entire thing was amazing. 

  Then came the not really disappointment, but disillusionment. I received a phone call today from someone interested in my poetry book Only a Start and Beyond. I was confused because the book is currently out of print. It will go back into print later this year. The long story short, they wanted me to pay $850 to publish through them and they would pay me 60% of the royalties. I did not laugh into the phone, but this is a vanity press. Indie publishers do not charge you to print your book. Or they charge you and give you 100% of your royalties. They don't take from both. I finally, when I could get a word in, told her I was not interested. As I am hanging up, she is saying but you won't get international distribution. Wrong. I have been getting international distribution for years.

Then this happened.
  Yes, I am taking the proper courses to be able to coach this program and blend it with my own.
But there's more.
Again, I am taking the training for this program, too. Yet, there is still more.
I have work to do on this one to be fully certified. I am certified now, but I need to go through the programs so I feel competent in coaching them. 

All three can be done separately or can be combined with my writing coaching.  I can do one day trainings, weekend training, 5 day training or the entire complete program. This also makes me part of the Igniting Souls Team. 

I am currently finishing up some books, working on new books, and getting others ready for publication. 

After spending 11 days fully quarantined, I ventured out today. I needed new tires on my car. They only come with one spare. I also needed to grab a few things from the grocery store. I was amazed at the number of people who were out and about. The grocery store I chose to shop in had almost no customers and four cash registers open. It was delightful knowing what I normally face.  I am requesting curbside pick up for my diabetic sensors at Walmart. I'm not standing in line 2 hours just to get in the door, then waiting who knows how long to get the sensors. 

 I have my work cut out for me for the next 10 or so weeks. Hope you do, too. If you don't see me much on Facebook, don't panic. I'm alive and kicking.


Saturday, March 7, 2020

Finding the Light

When you have walked in darkness, finding the light is hard. 2020 started in the darkness. I was lost. I don't know what brought on the depression. I just know it was there. It actually took me days to recognize it for what it was.

My daughter, my mother, and a few of my close friends were worried about me. I was sleeping 14-16 hour of my day. My days and nights were backward. I had no motivation. Things I love to do...write, crochet, they were not being done. I was dragging myself out of bed and taking up residence in my recliner chair. I breezed through reruns of NCIS-the first 15 seasons, Criminal Minds the first 13 seasons. I have no idea what else as I was really only half listening to any of them.

I tried writing and mailing letters but it became a chore and I wasn't keeping up. Get up for church on Sunday morning...why? I could pick up my Bible and read it anytime. There are at least three or four close to my chair.

I was reading. All the books I haven't gotten to yet. I've read a couple on the Holocaust, knowing those poor souls endured things I could not even imagine.

I did manage to get my alphabet book illustrated. But I still have no website. I cannot list build, I cannot offer courses, I cannot be on podcasts without a website. It has been in the works since May, 2019. It was supposed to be up and running December 5th. Then it was postponed to January 12th. Well, it's March the third month of the first quarter of 2020. I still have no website. I am frustrated.

I was frustrated in December when my then publisher threw me under the bus after 8 years. No explanation, just left me high and dry with four books ready to come out in 2020.

Finally, I decided to see my doctor. Thank you, Megan Kline. I might not have done it without your courage. I am off depression medications. I am seeing a therapist, so hopefully I will never get to this point again. I am slowly coming into the sunlight. Figuratively as well as physically. The last week of February saw me out of the house 5 out of 7 days. The first week in March has not seen me out as much, but I have been out. I am not where I want to be yet. I am working on it.

Soon, I will be taking a short trip to Michigan.  I am looking forward to it. I will back home again in May to see my stunning granddaughter graduate from MSU. I am planning a trip to visit friends in SC before summer hits. I am working with the other person in my mastermind group to get a website up. One that I can manage when we are done. One that will allow me to offer products for writers and writing programs as well as purchase my books directly from me. They can even be personally autographed. I am learning how to market my books and products so I can bring in more sales.  I have a meet the local authors book signing in April. Where I will be taking pre-sales of the alphabet book.

Things are looking up. I have walked, crawled, and struggled to find my way back. I will overcome the obstacles I face and be stronger for it.

I belong to a tribe of people who uplift me daily and most of the time they don't even know it. I am fortunate to have found them. They are a new and bigger life. One to be lived to the fullest.

I'm even writing again. I am contemplating putting together a bookcase this afternoon so I can get rid of some boxes in my house.

Hope all are well.

Saturday, February 15, 2020

I've Been Quiet

Many of you have seen this design before. It was on the backs of my first books. It was my publishing company.  I was lucky enough to publish for four other talented writers. 

Behind the scenes of my publishing company were the awesome book designs of Blue Harvest Creative. After a while, BHC became BHC Press and my publisher. I still retrained my place as an independent author. Then in 2017, I was informed they were going to be my new publisher and would not be an independent author anymore. So I awaited my contract and nothing came. In 2018, I put out Rescue Mountain under the Open Window label as part of BHC Press. In the fall of 2018,  They stopped doing designs for Lilac Publishing. Which with changes at Amazon, put me out of business. 

I still had no contract for my books. I kept writing.  I finally got a phone call,  after three delays. 
 At which time I needed to send any completed work and a 5 yr writing plan. I sent the 5 yr plan and three of my completed works to them within a week. I had two more I was working on. These were books they were to schedule for 2020. 

After a conference in October 2019, I sent an email asking if they still wanted to be my publisher. They took a week to reply then set up a phone call. I missed a Pulaski Writers Alliance meeting to be available or the call. I got a text 30 min before the call and there was a family emergency, could we reschedule for two weeks? My answer was yes, and prayers for their relative. (I was suspicious because a year earlier it had been an emergency with his wife.) But I rescheduled on my calendar. At noon on the day of the call, I get a text he has laryngitis. He will call the following Friday same time. I respond with get well. Once again,  reset it on my calendar.

The following Friday is the Christmas Luncheon at King's Chinese Buffet. I turn off my phone while at the Christmas celebration. We have a nice lunch and I head to the parking lot, turning on my phone. There is a message.  It says: I might call a little late I'm working on something. I see it was sent an hour ago. So, I put my phone in my purse. I suspect he doesn't want to be disturbed while he is working for a text saying: Okay. So I don't send one.

At 3:09 pm I get a text saying I am just finishing up and I'll call soon. I think okay. Get everything ready for our talk. The call still hasn't come.

BHC Press has sold out to the big 5. Part of the deal is they cannot accept anyone who has been self-published. This leaves me out. The put off is so he doesn't have to tell me he has done nothing with the three books I sent him and he can no longer work with me because I am self-published. He also has made it very clear he doesn't like the idea of me becoming a writing coach because in his eyes I will not have time enough to write. 

As of this time, I have coached three classes and written four books. I am in the process of getting the first of the 3 books previously held by BHC Press illustrated. Actually, I'm waiting on the cover art. This is an alphabet book and is expected to go on pre-sale in March with a release in April.

The second book will be my poetry book in it's second edition. No date at this time. Book three will be my writing book: Let's Write Fiction. I'm thinking Sept for pre-sale October for release. Book 4 is Santa is for Real a middle grades book hopefully for pre-sale in October with the release in November. There is a short-story-book and I am not sure I can fit it in this year. 

However for my Macy fans. The last Macy book, Something Borrowed, Something Blue will be early in 2021. If the short-story book does not make it out this year, it will be out second in 202. I have other books I am looking forward to writing this year, so they will be ready for 2021. 

Yes, I do have a new publisher. AAE will be my publisher. My books have to meet their guidelines, I will still be considered an Indie Author, however: you will be able to find my books in Barnes and Noble. in the future.

Being thrown under the bus by one publisher has allowed me to find a publisher who can help me grow,

Happy writing!!!

Thursday, January 9, 2020

Trying to Find my Routine

I was good at getting up, having breakfast, getting dressed, and setting my timer for 30 minutes to write Morning Pages. Stream of consciousness writing or brain dumping. I got sick in November and it just got left behind. I need to do this and do it consistently. It gets rid of all those things getting in the way of my creativity. 

Actually spending time writing, has also gone by the wayside. I cannot get my books finished if I am not writing. So, I need to put that time back in the schedule. 

I find I do my best work on second shift. It is quieter and there are fewer outside distractions.  So, I need to adjust my schedule accordingly.  No, this does not mean I get to sleep all day. I do have things to do during the day.

First up on getting back to a routine and being human will be to take down my Christmas tree. I got the icicles off it before New Year's, but have not had the energy to get much of anything done. I do have to get it down as my new bookcases arrive tomorrow. It is in the way of where one bookcase will go. The boxes which hold the decorations are in the way of where the other will go.

I am going to do it in stages as my energy level is still not up to par. I am not going to cause a relapse this time. The baby elephant is still sitting on my chest, so that will limit me.

Routines are important. They are the basis for organization. I am a list maker. So, I make a daily to-do list. It matches things on my calendar which are scheduled. I have two calendars. A huge desk calendar where I write everything down and the calendar on my phone which alerts me to when I need to leave or take a conference call. I also put book deadlines on it. 

As I go through my day, I cross off the things on my list and complete my other tasks. Some days I get through the entire list. Other days, there are items carrying over to the next day. Eventually, they all get completed.

Do you have a routine? Is it working? Do you need to change it up? 


Tuesday, January 7, 2020

2020 Off to a Rocky Start

I've been doing a lot of this, without the dog. Got the official diagnosis today, but knew all along it was bronchitis. Had I known my doctor was going to send me to urgent care, I would have gone last week. However, I am now on an antibiotic, getting lots of fluid, and even more rest. 

All the things I had planned last week are still not done. Hopefully, by the weekend I will be in good health and able to get things done. Most are simple housework chores. Some other things were not finished before the holidays. I need them done.

In addition, I need to decide on an illustrator for my alphabet book.  I need to finish the How section of AAE. I have a book scheduled to be finished by Jan. 15th and another to be finished on March 31st. 

Sometime this month I'd like to meet with my member in the Central Kentucky Igniting Souls Chapter. Excited to have my first member. Just don't need to make her sick.

Was looking forward to Pulaski Writers' Alliance on Friday. How quickly the antibiotic kicks in as to whether or not I will be attending. Need to get my printer and computer talking to each other before then. 

For the most part, I am staying in my jammies for the rest of the week.  If the antibiotic and Benadryl do their magic, I might be human again by the end of the week.


Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Because I Journal

I always have journals on my wish list at Amazon. My grandchildren, Megan and Jason, bought my gifts this year from my Amazon list. I needed a new one for 2020. I chose this one:

This morning in the early hours of the new year, I made my first entry. I will not share all of my entries with you; however, I will share this one:

She believed she could write books to entertain. So, she learned all she could about writing and she did. 

Only once she finished, she wanted to write another. Was she good enough? She believed she was. She believed she could so she did.

Then came her third book and her readers kept asking for sequels. Could she write a series? She believed she could, so she took a leap of faith and gave it a try. She did.

When in book four she introduced a new character, she had a hit. Then came two spin-offs from book three and book four was started.

She happened on a course from James Patterson and a new book was born. One like she'd never written before. People thought it was her best book yet. 

Book four in the series lost half its word count and a new idea (better) took shape.

She took a sixteen-week coaching course on how to start a business and failed. Not knowing the things she needed to know.

She read The Year of Yes and journaled in the companion journal. She said yes to things she would have said no to. The result was she found a better coach. Her ideas and opportunities have multiplied. 

This is where I am starting 2020. I have gained the confidence I'd lost and am continuing to grow.


October Already

 I'm not sure where the time has flown. June was an exiting month. July was a mess. I had a change of medication which caused me to gain...