Sunday, April 3, 2016

A-Z Challenge Letter C

C is for confidence. Many claim not to have it. Someone told me, I was confident in high school. Guess I pulled it off well. I was the least confident person I know.

Confidence is just putting your best foot forward. It goes hand-in-hand with beliving in yourself. I hate speaking before a group of people, however I know it helps to sell my books. I find I do better in front of people I don't know or only know a few. When it is friends and family, you cannot predict what they will do to embarrass you.

Confidence means putting on your game face. Dress your best, have your head focused on your topic. Standing up and saying what needs to be said, then letting people ask questions. Once you start, you will find it easy to relax and have a conversation with your audience.

Finding your confidence takes practice. Write your notes on cards and practice them in front of a mirror. Just like you did when you had to give a speech in high school.

The more you put yourself out there, the more confident you become. Go ahead give it a try. Even if you have to do this to feel confident.



  1. Fake it till you make it? :) Maybe real confidence is realizing that you're not the least confident person you know. Everyone struggles with it, sometimes. EVERYONE. But here's my take on it: I do think it's something you can develop over time, and I think your tips are helpful.

  2. I agree, Holly, you can develop it over time. Thanks for stopping by.

  3. On a few occasions I found myself MC'ing a large banquet of coworkers. I am not at all a public speaker, but once I realized and realized I was organized and knew what I was doing, it became fun. Be prepared, then enjoy the interaction, don't expect perfection, it won't happen and no one will care! :-). I'm still working on confidence in group situations where the goal is to simply socialize, very awkward for me to this day!

    1. I have confidence and until the first words come out of my mouth I have butterflies. Happened every year the first day of school even though most of my kids I'd had the year before.


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