Wednesday, April 4, 2012

D is for Determination

Having the determination to follow your dreams is hard. Dreams are what you hope to achieve. But many give up along the way. Life gets in the way of creativity. The dream seems unattainable. There are thousands of reasons for giving up.

There are also thousands of reasons for sticking it out. Edgar Allen Poe did not reap millions from his work, however he is high among American writers. That fame never reached him. It may elude most writers. Did it stop him from writing? No. Will it stop me from writing? No.

I have been writing since the age of twelve. For those of you doing the math that is forty-two years. It is what I do. When my daughter was little, I told her stories, I only wish I'd recorded or written down. I can tell you I started with poetry. I enjoyed the rhymes. I have evolved into more than just a poet. Now I pen mysteries.

I have written on the back of place mats in restaurants. I have some of those but not all of them. Any scrap of paper will do until I can get to my computer or a journal.

None of  this has been an easy road. It has taken years and years of determination to make my dream come close to coming true. I think I am almost there.



  1. This is the second excellent post I've read on Determination. I started writing in high school (many many years ago) and stopped while I was raising my children. Now, I need to keep pushing myself. I need some of that determination. I know it's deep down inside of me!

  2. Nice post and determination is what keeps us moving forward to those dreams.:)

  3. *I, too, started writing as a child. I met some of my goals, but not all. The only thing stopping me from reaching them someday is ME! It will take persistence, determination, and what talent I have been given. Succeeding is a CHOICE! You can do it, Rebecka!

  4. Determination and dreams go together!

    Look forward to your challenge run…
    --Damyanti, Co-host A to Z Challenge April 2012

    Twitter: @AprilA2Z

    PS: pls turn off your word verification to make it easier to comment---you might consider comment moderation instead if you're unsure :)


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