Two weeks of class, I have written three e-books which will be the basis for my virtual writing classes. I am working with my publisher to get them in both e-book and workbook form. I have identified the people I will serve and written my mission statement for me. I have a good idea what my products will be and when they will be launched.
I had a wonderful conference with my accountability team today. The ladies seem to have their goals and they are moving forward. We meet to keep each other on track and to bounce ideas off each other. I also had a 1-1 session with Coach. I came out of feeling like I am on the right road.
It will be a work-in-progress for a while. I'm going to do some things with Facebook live. I'm holding meetings on zoom and will be learning to navigate PeriScope. I need to find the best one for my classes. I have an idea how to charge for the classes which will include the e-book and workbook. I have a focus.
I'm going to be doing a lot of this for the next three or so months. I'm also going to be journaling and working in workbooks. Yes, this is a for real class. Complete with homework.
Aside from the books I'm editing, the slew of Lee Child, Nora Roberts, and I'm not sure who else, I'm going to be reading the following: Tribes, The Science of Getting Rich, You are Bad Ass at Making Money, Think and Grow Rich (with a workbook), The War of Art: Break Through the Blocks and Win Your Inner Creative Battles(with a workbook), The Year of Yes, with a journal of the same name, The 4-Hour Work Week and Purple Cow: Transform Your Business by Being Remarkable.
I have a coaching class in my future. Stay tuned for updates on it. If you are looking for me and can't find my, my nose is probably in a book. I'm sure the reading list will grow. I have a money journal the cover reads: The Best Way to Predict the Future is to Create it. Which is exactly what I am doing.
I try to limit my work to between 8am and 5:pm. Mike leaves about 7:30am and gets home between 4:30 and 6pm, depending on whether or not he has to work overtime. Since he is currently THE maintenance crew, there has been a lot of overtime. Since we both love to read, I can read the heavy stuff or the leisure stuff in the evenings. (If I am not pursuing the real estate sites for another piece of property in Kentucky).
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