Saturday, June 21, 2014

Just a Little Something


          She spent years in loneliness. Then one night while listening to something on the television it struck her. In her lifetime she had loved, truly loved two men outside of family.

          The first one stole her heart when she was sixteen. He didn’t even know he’d done it. She wasn’t sure when she actually knew, but when she did there was no one else for her.

          Due to a tragic incident after high school when she finally knew he cared, she hurt him in the worst kind of way. Feeling as though the tragedy and its burden were hers to bear she let him think the worst. His life went on and she bore the guilt for every misstep he took or that befell him in the ensuing years. It took a lifetime for her to realize they were his mistakes to make and she should not feel guilty. That’s when her heart finally let him go. (Although she admits, even to herself, part of him will always live in her heart).

          The second man came along while she was in college. They became fast friends. When she stupidly found herself pregnant he was there. Even offering to marry her. She refused. Not because she didn’t love him, but because she did not feel she deserved him. When he proposed again a few years later, it was because he wanted her to help him raise his own child. By then fear of making a mistake held her back.

          Now, in her “old” age she is able to see that either of them given the chance would have stood beside her through anything. For both of them loved her. Something she did not understand when she was young. They both saw her flaws, but they found something else. Something making them a whole as it made her when she was with them.   
          In life there is no redo. You get one chance and do the best with it you can. If she could go back with the knowledge she has now, things would be greatly altered. Going back is not allowed. Finding her way forward with this new found knowledge is all she can do.

          Surprisingly her heart is not broken. Nor does she mourn what might have been. She is happy for the memories of what was and looks forward to what will be. Life is not over yet, nor is it complete. 


Monday, June 16, 2014

Book Review

I am a bit behind on this one. If you haven't read it, you should get it soon.

Palmetto Poison by C, Hope Clark
Reviewed by Rebecka Vigus
June 16, 2014

      I was pulled in on the first page. Heroine, Carolina Slade is doused with lemonade
and off to confront the teenaged culprit. As the day wears on she learns the young teen is killed in a car accident.
      This is just the tip of the iceberg. She is pulled into an investigation by the governor. She also encounters a belligerent DEA agent, who just happens to be her boyfriend’s former wife. Drugs, cover-up, and death plague her.
      Add to this the disappearance of her sister and her boyfriend’s missing sister. Can she unravel the entire mess, keep her family intact, retain her job, and still have a meaningful relationship?
      Absolutely, follow Carolina Slade on a journey to solve the case she was assigned, discover who is behind it and why, reunite the missing sisters, hold her family together, and strengthen her relationship.
      Carolina Slade is an investigator for the director of the Department of Agriculture. Her job is relatively simple investigate the anomalies in agriculture. Monitor where the money from the department goes. But Slade manages to step out of the norm and immerse herself in the thick of things, bringing danger and suspense to the story.
      C. Hope Clark brings together the workings of the government with a wonderful dash of southern living and a character who embodies both. Carolina Slade works because she is believable. She could be your next door neighbor. She’s human and likeable without being perfect. I can hardly wait to see what is in store for her next.

Sunday, June 8, 2014

This Will be my Challenge Week

Lawn stomorrow if weather permits. I hate this as I will not be able to take allergy meds when I am done. It will be a long night. If it doesn't permit, then cleaning the garage I put off this weekend will have to be done. I have decided it is not going to clean itself.

Wednesday, I go for food allergy testing. That will take up my afternoon as well as determine what I will be able to eat in the future.  At least I will be able to go home and do meal planning. Knowing what new allergies I have acquired will help, so I don't end up with mouth infections.

At some point I hope to meet a friend who will be in town for the week. We met through a mutual friend and it would be nice to meet in person. While I am in that area I'm going to stop and see friends who own a bookstore. Hopefully I can get a book signing there come August or September.

Saturday I have open houses. Two of them are local and one is out of town. I will make the local ones for sure, we will see how it goes on the out of town one. I have a while before all the students I've taught over the years are out of high school.

In the meantime, I keep hoping there will be others interested in my house. I have shared the listing on several sights. Sad, people keep asking me if I will rent it. Seriously, it is For Sale. I'm moving. I have no desire to be an absentee landlord. I don't want the house anymore. It is too big for me. I need something all on one floor. In an entirely different location. Far, far from where I am now.

I will be working on Of Moonbeams and Fairy Dust as well as Something Borrowed, Something Blue. I have deadlines in my head for when I want them to come out, so deadlines for when they need to be read and edited. I have two other authors counting on me to have their books ready to go by fall.

Yep, going to have trouble keeping up with myself. Have a great week all.

Thursday, June 5, 2014

What a Day

First I have to go to the doctor's office. They missed a blood test and didn't put a diagnosis on it so I couldn't get blood drawn yesterday. Next, it was to the medical arts center for the blood draw. Good grief, they took a lot of blood. I hope something gets figured out.

I arrived home to find a message from the design team who works on my books. The result is Sanctuary is now in their hands. I am hoping for an early July release.

Then my parents called and asked me to meet them for dinner at a local bar with great burgers. As I was pulling out of my driveway I got a text message. The following photo was there.

The message said: The inside of the Monte Carlo.
My heart plummeted this is the car my granddaughter drives. I couldn't get out of the message to respond so I called her. My daughter says, "Everyone is okay. The car is totaled. I'll call you in a few minutes."
Megs was not texting. She was not talking on her phone. She thought the light had changed and hit the back end of the car in front of her. Aside from some burns on her wrist and scratches from the air bag, there were no injuries. The car on the other hand did not survive. So, they are one car short.

I am now able to breathe again. I would like tomorrow to be calm. I have a door to wash and paint. I have a garage to clean out. The aftermath of my crash with the lawn mower.  Good way to get rid of some other things while I'm at it. Need to find a way to set up for painting the door trim and the outside trim we are replacing. The sooner I get to it the sooner it will get put up. So, while I want it to be calm, I intend to be busy.


October Already

 I'm not sure where the time has flown. June was an exiting month. July was a mess. I had a change of medication which caused me to gain...