Thursday, May 16, 2013

Nominated for Liebster Award

I've been nominated for a Liebster Award for my blog. First let me thank Jessica Peterson who nominated me. You'll find her at :

Now let me explain the Liebster Award. The Liebster award is given to up and coming bloggers who have less than 200 followers.  What is a Liebster?  The meaning: Liebster is German and means sweetest, kindest, nicest, dearest, beloved, lovely, kind, pleasant, valued, cute, endearing, and welcome.

Here are the rules for receiving this award:
1. Each person must post 11 things about themselves.
2. Answer the questions that the tagger set for you plus create 11 questions for the people you’ve tagged to answer.
3. Choose 11 people and link them in your post.
4. Go to their page and tell them.
5. No tag backs!

Here are the 11 questions from Jessica:

1. What is your favourite day of the week? Don't have a any day I'm at the beach.
2. What is your favourite TV show?  NCIS
3. Out of all your family members, who are you closest to? My daughter
4. What is one thing you are grateful for today?  I'm most grateful for the people who bring love and laughter to my life.
5. Who is the one person you've lost contact with over the years and wish you could get in touch with? My childhood best friend, Patty Pettinger. I have no idea where she might be today.
6. Do you believe in marriage? Yes
7. Salty or Sweet? Sweet
8. What is one of the most beautiful/amazing things you've ever been a witness to? The births of my two youngest grandchildren.
9. What is one thing you've done to help make a stranger's day better?  Bought the meal for the car behind me at McDonald's.
10. If you had one wish for the world, what would it be? To sell my house quickly and find the perfect new home in South Carolina.
11. What made you start blogging? It started as a way to get my name known as a writer. Now I do it because I enjoy it.

Here are 11 things about me:
1. I am a retired special education teacher.
2. I have just published my fifth novel and seventh book.
3. I prefer rural areas to cities.
4. My favorite flowers are lily of the valley and yellow roses.
5. I have four wonderful grandchildren.
6. I hate housework.
7. I love the beach.
8. I'm hoping to relocate to South Carolina.
9. I've opened my own publishing company.
10. I believe in faeries.
11. Age is only a number....some days I am 30 other days I know I'm 130.

These are the people I've chosen for this award.
1. Jen Evans
2. Jamie Kline
3. Pastor Tim
5. Traci
7. Mallory
8. Cariann McCready
9. Ros
10. Dani
11. Nadica

Here are my 11 questions for you.
1. What prompted you to start a blog?
2. Have you written any books?
3. Have the books been published? Traditional or Indie?
4. Do you have a favorite place to write?
5. What is your biggest dream?
6. What prevents you from writing?
7. If money were no object, what would you do?
8. Do you have a dream vacation spot?
9. What gets you motivated?
10. Do you have a favorite genre of novel to read? If so, which one?
11. What is the best part of your life?


Wednesday, May 15, 2013

I hope I won't regret this

I have just signed up for JuNoWriMo. Having done NaNoWriMo a couple of times and succeeded I thought it might be time for something different. 

My third novel in the Macy McVannel series: Sanctuary, needs a jumpstart. I am close to having the house ready to list, so I should be able to type out 50,000  words in a month. 

Anyone looking to join me on this adventure please do. The following link will take you there:  Don't put it off. Get started. Make a commitment to your writing. 

If I can get Santuary finished, I'll be doing rewrites and edits to get it ready to go to reviewers. I need four months to get to the reviewers I need. So the plan would be to get it sent out by August and into publication by possibly December or early January, 2014. 

Wish me luck, I'll try to keep you posted on my progress.

Sunday, May 5, 2013

And Now I Wait

I have been working since February to get Lilac Publishing launched. My setup crew came up with a wonderful layout and a superb cover. I thank Blue Harvest Creative every day for the work they have done on my behalf.

I have my NOOK Press account set up. Crossing the Line is available for NOOK. You can find it here:

I have my KDP account set up. I did not go exclusive for ninety days with them however, Crossing the Line is available for Kindle. You can find it here:

However you cannot yet find the print copy. I am waiting on Lightning Source to give my account the final approval. I have been working with their application department since March. I still am not approved. I only plan to put out two books a year. I am wondering if that is the issue.

Meanwhile I have several readers anxiously awaiting the print version. Have I mentioned I hate waiting? You will find me pacing between the things I'm working on. Ugh.

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Bedroom Before and After

I thought I'd done a great I know I didn't.
Bedroom when I finished it the first time.

While the bed was centered, the wall art wasn't. The art also got lost on the wall.
Preparing to paint.

And now the finished bedroom. Look at the difference in the focus wall now.

And one more to show the contrasting walls.

So, the A-Z Blogging challenge for 2013 is done and it that time I have finished two rooms. Not without the help of Randy Benner who put in the laundry room floor, painted walls, and built the frame around my wall art. Yes, we have lots more to do, but for now, I am pleased with what is done.

October Already

 I'm not sure where the time has flown. June was an exiting month. July was a mess. I had a change of medication which caused me to gain...