Then I go for my yearly eye exam. My eye doctor decides he needs a different eye test. My eyes have retinopathy. But, it's not bleeding. So, I get a referral to a retinologist. This doctor has a photo taken of my eye. I've been having these photos taken for years. My eye doctor in Gaylord, MI used to show them to me and we compared them with the previous year looking for changes. Since I left Michigan, those photos have been locked up like state secrets. I do have the start of retinopathy. It is something we will monitor from year to year. I also have the start of cataracts. Hmmm, those started three years ago. I am aware of them. My request when the time comes it that they don't take my near vision.
So, I figure I am officially "old." Is it going to slow me down. Maybe for a minute. You'll have to see if you can keep up. As soon as I locate my weights I will be strengthening the muscles in my arms. I am teaching myself to do some simple things left handed. I might get there. Then figured by the time my right elbow stops working my left one will have arthritis. It is what it is.
Here's to moving on.