Friday, April 3, 2020

Conference, Disappointment, Excitement

All this in the past week. I don't know what to think.

    First, Kary Oberbrunner launched an online conference for his tribe Igniting Souls and their guests. You could have had the FREE general admission version or upgraded to the VIP version. I did the VIP. I got my money's worth on the first session with Carrie Wilkerson. The entire thing was amazing. 

  Then came the not really disappointment, but disillusionment. I received a phone call today from someone interested in my poetry book Only a Start and Beyond. I was confused because the book is currently out of print. It will go back into print later this year. The long story short, they wanted me to pay $850 to publish through them and they would pay me 60% of the royalties. I did not laugh into the phone, but this is a vanity press. Indie publishers do not charge you to print your book. Or they charge you and give you 100% of your royalties. They don't take from both. I finally, when I could get a word in, told her I was not interested. As I am hanging up, she is saying but you won't get international distribution. Wrong. I have been getting international distribution for years.

Then this happened.
  Yes, I am taking the proper courses to be able to coach this program and blend it with my own.
But there's more.
Again, I am taking the training for this program, too. Yet, there is still more.
I have work to do on this one to be fully certified. I am certified now, but I need to go through the programs so I feel competent in coaching them. 

All three can be done separately or can be combined with my writing coaching.  I can do one day trainings, weekend training, 5 day training or the entire complete program. This also makes me part of the Igniting Souls Team. 

I am currently finishing up some books, working on new books, and getting others ready for publication. 

After spending 11 days fully quarantined, I ventured out today. I needed new tires on my car. They only come with one spare. I also needed to grab a few things from the grocery store. I was amazed at the number of people who were out and about. The grocery store I chose to shop in had almost no customers and four cash registers open. It was delightful knowing what I normally face.  I am requesting curbside pick up for my diabetic sensors at Walmart. I'm not standing in line 2 hours just to get in the door, then waiting who knows how long to get the sensors. 

 I have my work cut out for me for the next 10 or so weeks. Hope you do, too. If you don't see me much on Facebook, don't panic. I'm alive and kicking.


October Already

 I'm not sure where the time has flown. June was an exiting month. July was a mess. I had a change of medication which caused me to gain...