Saturday, February 15, 2020

I've Been Quiet

Many of you have seen this design before. It was on the backs of my first books. It was my publishing company.  I was lucky enough to publish for four other talented writers. 

Behind the scenes of my publishing company were the awesome book designs of Blue Harvest Creative. After a while, BHC became BHC Press and my publisher. I still retrained my place as an independent author. Then in 2017, I was informed they were going to be my new publisher and would not be an independent author anymore. So I awaited my contract and nothing came. In 2018, I put out Rescue Mountain under the Open Window label as part of BHC Press. In the fall of 2018,  They stopped doing designs for Lilac Publishing. Which with changes at Amazon, put me out of business. 

I still had no contract for my books. I kept writing.  I finally got a phone call,  after three delays. 
 At which time I needed to send any completed work and a 5 yr writing plan. I sent the 5 yr plan and three of my completed works to them within a week. I had two more I was working on. These were books they were to schedule for 2020. 

After a conference in October 2019, I sent an email asking if they still wanted to be my publisher. They took a week to reply then set up a phone call. I missed a Pulaski Writers Alliance meeting to be available or the call. I got a text 30 min before the call and there was a family emergency, could we reschedule for two weeks? My answer was yes, and prayers for their relative. (I was suspicious because a year earlier it had been an emergency with his wife.) But I rescheduled on my calendar. At noon on the day of the call, I get a text he has laryngitis. He will call the following Friday same time. I respond with get well. Once again,  reset it on my calendar.

The following Friday is the Christmas Luncheon at King's Chinese Buffet. I turn off my phone while at the Christmas celebration. We have a nice lunch and I head to the parking lot, turning on my phone. There is a message.  It says: I might call a little late I'm working on something. I see it was sent an hour ago. So, I put my phone in my purse. I suspect he doesn't want to be disturbed while he is working for a text saying: Okay. So I don't send one.

At 3:09 pm I get a text saying I am just finishing up and I'll call soon. I think okay. Get everything ready for our talk. The call still hasn't come.

BHC Press has sold out to the big 5. Part of the deal is they cannot accept anyone who has been self-published. This leaves me out. The put off is so he doesn't have to tell me he has done nothing with the three books I sent him and he can no longer work with me because I am self-published. He also has made it very clear he doesn't like the idea of me becoming a writing coach because in his eyes I will not have time enough to write. 

As of this time, I have coached three classes and written four books. I am in the process of getting the first of the 3 books previously held by BHC Press illustrated. Actually, I'm waiting on the cover art. This is an alphabet book and is expected to go on pre-sale in March with a release in April.

The second book will be my poetry book in it's second edition. No date at this time. Book three will be my writing book: Let's Write Fiction. I'm thinking Sept for pre-sale October for release. Book 4 is Santa is for Real a middle grades book hopefully for pre-sale in October with the release in November. There is a short-story-book and I am not sure I can fit it in this year. 

However for my Macy fans. The last Macy book, Something Borrowed, Something Blue will be early in 2021. If the short-story book does not make it out this year, it will be out second in 202. I have other books I am looking forward to writing this year, so they will be ready for 2021. 

Yes, I do have a new publisher. AAE will be my publisher. My books have to meet their guidelines, I will still be considered an Indie Author, however: you will be able to find my books in Barnes and Noble. in the future.

Being thrown under the bus by one publisher has allowed me to find a publisher who can help me grow,

Happy writing!!!

October Already

 I'm not sure where the time has flown. June was an exiting month. July was a mess. I had a change of medication which caused me to gain...