Monday, April 29, 2013

Z is for Zilch

I got nothin' zip, zilch.  We have finished the laundry room but for hanging the curtains. Tomorrow I putty the trim board in my room and paint it. Then we can put it back  together.

Laundry room before and after pics.

Now here are the after ones

White walls instead of light green, new floor, brown trim....wait one more

No file cabinet, look at all that space.
Now with a little luck, I'll have a new book out later this week. Cross your fingers.

Sunday, April 28, 2013

Y is for Young

I am not nearly as young as I used to be. I have muscles currently screaming at me. They seem to think they were on permanent vacation. Why you ask? I spent my day painting trim board. Tomorrow we finish putting down trim board in the laundry room and it will be finished. First person who messes it up dies.

Some of the trim board went to frame my wall art. It's hung there for years, but the wall was a light aqua and it just blended in. Now it is a real focal point. The rest of the trim goes down in that room tomorrow. 

I wish I was young enough that my muscles were not screaming, but I'm happy with my current age. Just hope I can find a house that is move in ready and I won't have to paint.

Saturday, April 27, 2013

X is for X-cellent

I am taking license on the word excellence today and making it x-cellent. The weather has finally warmed up to a comfortable 70 degrees. I am hoping it is going to stay this way for a while.

We have an x-cellent flooring picked out for the laundry room. One of the many projects for our Sun-Wed, major work time.

I have x-cellent people I work with getting my publishing company off the ground and I am hoping to see the first book hot off the press by May 1.

I have x-cellent friends. One came through today with enough boxes for me to completely pack up my house. Guess you know what I am doing this afternoon.

Have an x-cellent day everyone.

Friday, April 26, 2013

W is for Working

I have been working hard to get things done around the house. I learned today that someone is interested in it. Added motivation to get it ready for sale.

Tomorrow morning I pick up more boxes. I have stuff to haul from the back yard to my dumpster. I will probably set up the second dumpster. (We are using Bagsters).

Sunday we paint the trim board white, put down a floor and all the trim in two rooms. Then we can put my bedroom and the laundry room back together. That is progress. We will be emptying the spare room and readying it for paint and trim.

I will be working like a madwoman to get this house done. Garage sale in a month. Hopefully home sale after that. I will be working hard to have everything done. I'm on a dead line. Self imposed, but a deadline none the less.

Off to do a couple more things before bed.

Thursday, April 25, 2013

V is for Vacuum

Life is not lived in a vacuum. Sometimes we need a wake up call. I've been blogging about my up coming book and the progress we've made on remodeling my house so it will be sale ready.

Today I learned a good friend's cancer is not going to be as easy to cure as we had all hoped. It has spread. I know she is a fighter and will ultimately win. She has an awesome support system which helps.

Tonight I said good-bye to the husband of a friend. Of course it is a time to run into old friends and reminisce. While that is good we all have to admit we are approaching the age where it could be anyone of us.

So, get out and live your life. Don't hole up in a vacuum.


Wednesday, April 24, 2013

U is for Unusual

I am unusually sore today. I have aches in muscles that must have been dormant for years. However, my bedroom is complete except for trim. The laundry room is completely painted. It still needs a floor and trim board.

I am clearing out the spare bedroom as it is the next one to be painted. I have windows to wash, and curtains to get ready to hang. I have an upstairs to finish going through. I still don't know what all is up there.

I believe if I continue moving the muscles will get better. Running up and down the stairs is going to keep me busy. I am off to get dinner, then back to work.


Tuesday, April 23, 2013

T is for Totally Exhausted

We have painted the three main walls in my bedroom. Both coats of paint are done. We have one coat of paint on the laundry room. We will be doing the focus wall and second coat in the laundry room tomorrow.

Next step is to buy the trim for that room and the upstairs bathroom. Then onto the tile for the laundry room floor and paint in the spare bedroom.

While Randy is gone I'll be back in the upstairs pitching and packing up. I have no idea what is even up there. I've made some headway but that will keep me busy Thurs through Saturday.

In the meantime I'm calling it a day.

Monday, April 22, 2013

S is for Still At It

Still working on the  house. Had a change of paint color today. Bathroom floor and extension got put in today. I have been through boxes and boxes of stuff. Two bags of garbage with a third bag started. Paint will start sometime in the next two days. No rest for the weary.

Book should hit the publisher this week. So release sometime next week.


Saturday, April 20, 2013

R is for Rest

Which is exactly what I plan on doing tomorrow. I have been working to get two rooms ready to paint. Walls washed, floor scrubbed, furniture moved.

I'm also unpacking from a three month trip and doing laundry and daily living chores. Yes, tomorrow I will rest.

Please do not wake me. I'm sleeping in at least until 9.

Friday, April 19, 2013

Q is for Questions

Today is a good day for questions. First I had questions about my new Iphone. It was time I come into the smart phone century. Most of them have been answered. Still unable to hear anyone unless they are on speaker. Ugh.

The country is left with questions surrounding the incidents this week in Boston. Will the young man captured even talk? Will we ever know why? The biggest question of all is when will it happen again?

I have also been looking for a dumpster that is affordable. So far no luck. That brings me to lots more questions. I will be looking for an alternative company for trash pick up as they left half the trash here today.

So, if you have a question, just ask.

Thursday, April 18, 2013

P is for Progress

I've made lots of progress today. The file cabinet is emptied. Tons of stuff tossed. Next step is to scrub laundry room floor and walls and the walls in my bedroom. Paint for both rooms and the spare bedroom has been purchased. So you know painting is the next step.

My book  set-up crew has sent me the files for my book and the cover. I can get that to the printer now. Hopefully we have a book next week.

I am now caught up again on A-Z.

All in all it has been a productive day. Hopefully tomorrow will be too.

A Break from A-Z for a Minute

This is the announcement about my new book.

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

O is for Old

It is time for out with the old. Since I am going to be moving it is time to part with things I no longer need or want.

I have a junk pile for the garbage and a garage sale pile. I also have boxes and boxes of things I have already packed. My closets are so full of boxes I can't get any more in them.

I feel good about getting rid of things. Some I hate parting with but cannot justify keeping them. Since I want to downsize when I buy a new home, I surely need to get rid of things.

So today really is out with the old day.

N is for Nincompoop

Every year when I return home from my winter away, Charter Communications has to send someone out because their line equipment doesn't work. The first year they had to replace something on the pole. Last year I had to have all new cable. This year they are back on the pole again.

One would think they'd get it right so they didn't have to come out. Because it is their equipment, I don't get billed. That's the only saving I see.

In the mean time I am without wireless. But the TV works and I am hard lined into the internet. Ugh.
Nincompoops, cannot get it figured out. Ugh.

Monday, April 15, 2013

M is for Move

I have been on the move since 5:30 this morning, so I am a bit late on this post. I spent the first hour of my day moving up and down 22 stairs in a humid mist. I was packing my car to return home from my winter in the sun.

From 7 am to 7 pm I was on the move in my car. I did take an hour out for lunch with my brother on my way through North Carolina. The mist continued most of the day. In fact, I lost the mist and gained sunny shine when I entered West Virginia.

When I get home at some time tomorrow I will begin to move all those things I packed back into my house. As well as getting my house ready to sell so that I can move out of  Michigan.

Yep, move was the only word for M today.


Friday, April 12, 2013

L is for Life

I am learning in my old age to let go of some of the things I thought were important and just live. I've always had to  be in control of situations I was in. When they got out of control, it translated into something being wrong with me.

Since I have retired, I have done more living than I did in the first 50+ years of my life. Boy have I missed a lot. 

I am not afraid to travel. I am writing which has been my life dream. I am freely giving love to someone else. These are the things that make life worth living. 

So, tomorrow while I am packing my bags to go home, I know the next adventure is just around the corner. I am stepping out of my comfort zone and learning to live.


Thursday, April 11, 2013

K is for Kites

As I walk along the beach I smile when  I see parents showing their kids how to fly a kite. The winds off the ocean make it the perfect place to fly a kite.

I remember carefree days flying kites. Spring was the best time of year for it. By summer the wind was almost non-existent so kites wouldn't fly no matter how fast you ran.

The other day there was a couple flying kites connected to each other. It was different to watch. Yes, I did with a bit of envy.

I think kite flying would be fun to do again. See there's still a kid inside of me.


J is for Juggling

We all do it. We juggle home, careers, family, and dreams. Some days it's a breeze and other days it feels like you are wading through hip-deep syrup.

I am juggling getting my house ready to put on the market, getting a new book out, and packing to return home. Today feels like an empty day. Things on the house are done for this week. I'm just waiting on a book cover so I can go to press...I really hate waiting. Finally I'm putting off packing until Saturday and Sunday.

This is the current outside of my house. By the time it goes on the market it will be a cream color with the dark brown trim. We are painting it inside and out and doing all those repairs that have been put off over the years. 

This is the cover I am waiting on. I am ready for this book to be out there for the public to buy. It has been a long time coming. 

I have no photo of the packing, but I've been here for three and a half months so imagine packing all that up. 

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

I is for Irritating

This morning I am irritated. First, I still itch from no-see-um bites I got on Sunday. Can  you say allergic? Second, I love that they keep the grounds here looking spotless, however when I am up every hour applying Benadryl spray or taking a Benadryl capsule, I like to be able to sleep. Lack of sleep, makes me irritable. So, far I am running two nights on lack of sleep. Not for not trying though.

Third, I get a phone call saying I've not paid a bill, I know I've paid. There was a computer glitch and it didn't go through, so now I have late fees...grrr.

Yes, it's going to be one of those days. Think I'm wandering to the urgent care center for some aid on the itch problem.


Tuesday, April 9, 2013

H is for Humble

I spent this morning with a group of wonderful women at a Bible study. These women come from all faiths.The No one religion is predominant.

That's not what makes me humble. What makes me humble is that they would pray for good things in my life.  They truly care about each other.

It makes me humble that our hostess, Linda, would offer me a place to stay when I return to buy a home here. It makes me humble that these talented extraordinary women took me into their group.

I will miss my Tuesday mornings with them when I return home.


Monday, April 8, 2013

G is for Gorgeous

Gorgeous sun streaming though the windows. Warm weather. Looks like a good day for the beach.  Have a good book to read. Will be having dinner with great friends. Got a wonderful man, working on my plumbing so I can get my house sold.

Life is good and the day is gorgeous. Hope you all are having a good one.


Saturday, April 6, 2013

F is for Full

My life has been full of friends, family, surprises, and blessings.  My friends are the best. They put up with my quirky ways, encourage my many ideas, and love me for who I am.

My family has always had my back. Even when the surprises in my life have not been pleasant ones. They stand by me.

I am blessed to have all this in my life. I cannot imagine a life without it.


Thursday, April 4, 2013

E is for Energized

I am full of energy. I have a plan for moving. I have the print ready copy of the inside of my book. The cover will be done in the next couple of days and then the ebook will be ready.

I have ideas flooding my brain for the things that need to be done when I get home. I have the next book to get ready. I have a couple of baby layettes to finish.

The list is endless, but in my last 11 days in paradise, I'm going to enjoy myself and burn off as much of that energy as I can.  I know I'll get it back when I return home.


D is for Disheartening

Today I find myself truly disheartened. I had a loan secured for a house. I was ready to make the offer and the loan fell through because they didn't ask me if it was a manufactured home. For which they need a higher down payment. Ugh. This was perfect. I will pick myself up and go to plan B. Sell my current home and then  buy one here.

I'm also saddened that my daughter and the kids are leaving tonight. I will worry about them driving in the mountains at night. I know she plans to pull off and sleep at some point, but it is a long trip.


Tuesday, April 2, 2013

C is for Coping

Coping with stress, coping with life. Yes, c is for coping. I am coping with the stress of getting a new book out. I am coping with the minor stress of having seven people in a 950 sq. ft. condo. a

Life is good. I am in those last anticipatory days before a book goes to print. Just before it gets released to the general public.

I am enjoying spring break with my daughter, grandchildren and some of their friends. Yes, there are five kids here. They have been swimming, playing basketball, walking on the beach, and tonight they saw a movie.

So coping with my own demons is keeping me busy.

B is for Best

This has been the best winter away ever. First a friend came down on his way to bike week. Then I found a home I want to buy. My friend came back on his way home from bike week and finally, my daughter, grandkids and a few of their friends came down for a week.

In all of this I have a book almost print ready. I have spent time with the marvelous friends I have here in South Carolina. I've been able to share SC with friends and family, so they know why I want to move here.

Yes, while the weather has not been as warm as I'd hoped, it has been the best winter away from Michigan yet.


Monday, April 1, 2013

A is for Anticipation

I have waited months for the A-Z writing challenge to begin. Arlee Bird I am so glad you came up with this and continue to do it each year.

I am also anticipating the release of my next book, Crossing the Line. It is well past it's November release date for several reasons. One the original publisher closed their doors. Two, I decided to open my own publishing company. Three,  we finally have the last of the edits done, and the book proof has been read so, I can send it to the printer.

There has been a lot of anticipation. I have more, but want to keep this short.

October Already

 I'm not sure where the time has flown. June was an exiting month. July was a mess. I had a change of medication which caused me to gain...