National Novel Wrting Month or NaNoWrimo or NaNo started on Nov. 1st. It is a month of non-stop writing with the goal of writin a 50,000 word novel. I have completed it twice. The first novel I wrote,
Secrets was written in twenty-one days. The second time I did NaNo I did not finish the novel I was working on. I still have not finished. The third time I did NaNo I wrote
Target of Vengeance. Last year I attempted to write a novel. I uploaded 13,000 words and did not realize I hit cut and not copy. I lost the entire thing. Luckily, I had a couple chapters saved elsewhere, but had to start over.
I am now over 40,000 words into the novel I lost a year ago. My goal for November is to get it this novel finished so I can get it to the editors. I am ready for it to be done, so I can get to work on production.
I could start work on book four. I have the first chapter done. But I need to finish book three before I can begin book four. I would confuse myself working on two books at once.
I have an idea for a childrens' collection, but I cannot seem to nail down what I want to write. I have too many ideas floating at the moment. I could tackle one or two of those but, it would take time away from my work-in-progress. I think I'll wait a month or so and let those ideas gel for a bit.
To my writer friends attempting the NaNo challenge, best of luck to you. I hope each and every one of you is successful. It is a great way to start a novel as well as an awesome way to finish one.