I am not depressed or lonely. But I am feeling a bit disconnected. Partly because I have a stuffed nose.
Here's the situation: My book is still with the publisher and I am awaiting word as to whether or not they will publish it. It will not be eight weeks until Sept. 20th. I am part way through the second book in the series. I really do not want to have to self-publish again. It's frustrating to just wait.
My house is up for sale and with the economy what it is, I've only had one couple come to take a look at it. I am ready for it to be gone and move on.
I need something to do. Something that might bring me a little bit of money. I'm not hurting for money. My retirement takes care of the bills and allows me to put a little aside. I just need something to do.
I can go back to donating preemie layettes to Sparrow Hospital in Lansing, MI, but I cannot make enough to keep up with the need. I've made over a dozen layettes this year for family, friends, and former students. The hospital needs somewhere around 600/year.
My problem is I have two wonderful ideas for non-profits but don't that the money to get them started. I have taught for so long that I need to be away from that. No one in this area could hire a tutor if I offered the service. What I want to do now is give back.
I have been doing reviews for authors I've met through on-line writing groups. I cannot keep up with the demand. Most of the stuff is sent to me on-line and my eyes can only take so much before I have to walk away. I feel as though I am letting people down. I don't want to be over extended.
With fall coming I am already to leave for warm climates. The next three and a half months will be the longest of my life. No one knows what the future will be, least of all me. I am just going to drift for a couple of days and then try to figure it out.
I feel your pain and I love you.